University Projects


This thesis explores the application of graph theoretical and topological concepts in architecture and investigates the use of graph machine learning methods in the context of architectural analysis, with a particular focus on energy efficiency as a key performance metric. To this end, a synthetic architectural dataset containing geometric, categorical, dimensional, energetic, topological and relational information is generated by integrating various space partitioning algorithms combined with architectural control functions into an automated generation pipeline. Subsequently, a classification model and a regression model are trained on the generated knowledge graph dataset to evaluate the prediction and classification accuracy in terms of energy efficiency.

See Project Documentation


The concrete approach of the project is to temporarily revive the unoccupied Metropole building and the marsh area in order to preserve and show the strength of its ecological and cultural as well as architectural heritage. In its current state, the Metropole Building is a two-story empty volume. The volumes are divided by a metal structure composed of posts and beams. The project consists of complementing the existing metal structure, which implicitly divides the volume, with an ephemeral wooden structure, so that it can be activated, animated and appropriated by the inhabitants.

See Project Documentation

VOID 2023

Void space is a fundamental element in any urban environment. It provides a sense of calm in the face of dense buildings, traffic and crowds, providing a place for relaxation and meditation. The psychological impact of these spaces is considerable, as they can help reduce stress and improve mental health. Nevertheless, these spaces are often perceived as missed opportunities for development, resulting in even more crowded and oppressive urban environments. The introduction of water features in the city could be a potential solution to this problem.

See Project


The objective of this project was to create a visual representation of the emotions associated with the Kottbusser Tor area in Berlin. The project aimed to capture the emotions of people who have a connection to this area, and translate them into a unique and dynamic visual representation of the place.
To gather the necessary data, a variety of research methods were used, including interviews, surveys, and observations. The collected information was analyzed to identify patterns in the associations and emotions of human impressions in specific urban areas. These patterns and themes were then translated into specific emotions that were used to inform the composition, light, and color choices in the 3D renderings.

See Project Documentation


A design concept that sought to re-evaluate the role and power of blank spaces in urban environments was developed through intense research and analysis. Additionally new ways to use and interact with these areas, with the aim of creating more diverse and inclusive public spaces that could serve the needs of different communities are proposed.

See Project Documentation


This project seeks to generate a synthetic dataset of architectural bodies using parametric regularization to enable automation within a defined variability framework. To achieve this, several steps with different software libraries and algorithms are necessary, as the results of each step have to be analyzed and verified against different properties. First, the focus is on the parametric generation of an apartment floor plan using Python, Blender’s Sverchok, and various algorithms such as Voronoi diagrams, KD trees, and genetic algorithms.

See Project Documentation


Bentham’s theories of indirect legislation have had a significant influence on the architecture of the time and have seen by far the greatest application in prison and correctional architecture through the use of the Panopticon. Even though the indirect methods of influencing society that Bentham proposed are largely considered totalitarian and contrary to human rights in our time, the mechanisms that Bentham devised are still an interesting reflection on urban architecture and its influence on the behavior of the population.

See Article


What is art? When does an object become a work of art, or does art manifest itself only in objects such as writings and paintings, or can traditions, thoughts, and immaterial impressions be considered art? Hegel’s definition of art as access to absolute truth provides a clear and at the same time extremely vague explanation.

See Article


This project is the result of a collaboration with the ALLICE LAB studio, which focuses on the use of digital media to translate logical rules into compositional forms in three-dimensional space. The work consisted in generating an interpretation of a musical piece and especially its score in a 10 cm2 cube using Python and Blender as an interface which eventually was printed in 3D. I decided to use an animation that generates geometric shapes corresponding to the music by interpreting data stored in CSV file format. The musical symbols are divided into generators and transformers and each symbol is linked to an elaborated rule which is parametrized through its values.

See Project See Animation

CUMA 2021

After the devastating floods in Belgium in July 2021, several questions arise about the future of the region and its reconstruction. In the framework of this project, I have put my focus on the detailed analysis of the bridges and their condition after the disaster of the Vesdre region. It was necessary to conduct a sensitive study and collection of sources about the cultural value of those bridges, some of which are centuries old, and to record the current condition of each object.

See Project Documentation


As part of my master's course, this project is an attempt to combine new technologies such as machine learning, deep neural networks, data evaluation, and parametric architecture dataset creation. The generated synthetic data will be used as urban architecture forms for different analyses and simulations, which can then be evaluated. Thus, a machine learning model can be trained on well-performing spatial forms. The final result is based on user input of some parameters like the number of buildings and inhabitants and the desired square meters, the pre-trained model automatically proposes then one or more optimized urban configurations stored and displayed as IFC files.

See Project Documentation


It is undeniably important to learn and understand the nuances and the desired cognitive effects of various architectural representation styles. This project's task was to design, based on a textual description of an urban situation, an elaborated representation by applying a chosen style. The focus was on the correlation between the chosen style and the intention inherent in the project. During the design process, I analyzed the ductus applied by DOGMA Office for the project: A Field of Walls.

See Project Documentation


In Tim Ingold's Making, a critique of the predominant hylomorphic model is expressed. These arguments find their counterpart in the field of architecture under the concept of new materialism, which as a movement has produced a variety of new and significant approaches in the disciplines of conceptual, intentional, constructive and theoretical architecture. One of these disciples is BC Architects, whose analysis is the subject of this Article.

See Article


The following project was born from the unification of two seemingly completely independent intentions: To develop a solution to the increasing homelessness rates and to allow the best and most respectful possible integration into the floral and faunal environment. Based on the use of abandoned railway containers, this project offers a cheap and simple way of construction. After an intensive analysis of the context, beneficial interactions with the flora and fauna have been developed.

See Project Documentation


Within the framework of the digital fabrication studio, I have concentrated my work on the experimentation and evaluation of kinetic facades. I started with an analysis of the existing mechanics. The next step was to develop several different prototypes in hindsight to the studied advantages and disadvantages and to provide suggestions for improvement. After the experimental phase, the simulation was used to evaluate the performance regarding the energy balance and the visible light irradiation.

See Project Slides Documentation


The design of a family house using ArchiCAD was primarily intended for becoming comfortable with the parametric function of the software and to learn the basics of BIM modeling. The particularity of the building is the filter spanning the entire facade, which provides adjustable privacy and sun protection. This project questions our relationship with the public facade and at the same time offers suggestions for a new approach.

See Project Documentation


To learn the optimal propagation of sound and minimization of echo I have designed a concert hall situated in the middle of lake Flagey. The main focus was on the analysis of the noise propagation and transmission using established mathematic-physical formulas which depend on the materials, medium, number of visitors, shape and environment.

See Project


This project presents itself as a precise work to understand the task of the different equipment necessary to the proper functioning of the inhabited architectural object. On the one hand the electronic plan with attention to the safety distances and on the other hand the sewerage and piping plan with installation of the necessary treatments and storage. It was important to find a precise separation of the water flows and an economically and ecologically sensible and intelligent constellation.

See Project


The final result of this work is the fruit of an energetic analysis of a building designed by me. The task was to perform a light study with the help of the software Velux which gives information about the daylight factor and the optimal illumination of the living space during the day. Furthermore, it was about the creation of an annotated construction detail and an energy simulation to determine possible insulation weak points and to offer an optimal energy performance.

See Project


The objective of this analysis was to observe and evaluate different system concepts developed for smart city network management. The comparison is made between distributed systems developed under an open and a management and evaluation system distributed under a proprietary license. The aim is to conduct research on concrete examples by decoding their technical functioning.

See Article


Living in a cohabitation brings many additional aspects to consider as an architect. This project was about the integration of a cohabitation into an existing housing project in Leuven. It was important to respect the prevailing dynamics within the different levels. On the scale of the whole complex, within a building but also within a single apartment. I decided not to make tabula rasa with the existing building but rather to analyze how individual architectural elements can change an originally separated apartment into a functioning coliving space. The main requirements were therefore not to demolish anything unnecessarily and to propose the project a common passion. With a theatre and a film room, the building gets two cores with different degrees of intimacy and can thus activate and animate the residential environment.

See Project Documentation


As part of a general district project, the land adjacent to a former industrial site had to be adapted to the new character of the neighborhood. For the selected site, apartments and a sports hall were integrated into a joint project. The challenges here were to understand the urbanistic background of the changing district. It was also important to respect and work with the different borders, such as the limit between nature and city or the balance between public and private, which is reflected in the program itself.

See Project Documentation


In order to analyze the Wooden Pavilion of Ristola in Lahti on a structural level, it was first necessary to understand the mathematical rules underlying its form. To accomplish this, I needed to model the pavilion as a 3D model and, as a consequence, deduce the harmonic rules of its composition. It was an interesting learning experience to conduct a meticulously detailed analysis of a work whose documentation was entirely missing.

See Project Documentation


This model is part of a larger analysis on the influence of artificial and natural lighting in public buildings. I have chosen the platforms of the main station in Brussels as the subject of attention.

See Project


The extension of the Lazzaretto Vecchio in Venice was our first major project within the framework of our studies. It was about the conversion of fallow land into a studio for renovation students. The challenges were to work with the cultural implications of the adjacent Lazzaretto and furthermore to integrate it into the Venezia skyline without falling into a false old. This project's outer shell resembles the outline of the old building and thus enables integration into the surrounding area. Furthermore, a larger part of the fallow land will be left untouched and made inaccessible, thus counteracting the uprooting of the site by this project.

See Project Documentation


"Life intra muros" was the leitmotiv of the search for this project. It was a group project where the general form of the building was designed together and in a second phase, the individual rooms were worked on independently. The concept of the building is based on treating the seclusion by the outer walls not as a problem but as an advantage. All rooms and lounges are arranged around a triangular patio which is partially flooded. For the interior decoration of the room, it was important to keep the visual axis free and to maintain the general orientation.

See Project Documentation


In this work, the main focus was put on the emotional perception of the visitor. The task was to advantageously expose a Kouros and to allow a bridge between architecture and art. My approach was to observe the different effects that daylight has on the surface structure of the statue when it strikes the texture, either directly or indirectly. It was important to analyze the different angles and intensities of the sun. The final project now allows for several different experiences of the same art object depending on the time of the day and season.

See Project

AZUMA 2018

The analysis of the Hotel Bleston by Azuma architects in Nagano required a certain sensitivity to the architectural language created by the formal composition and the use of certain materials and their workmanship. In this work, I decided to shift the focus from a traditional plan/section analysis to a morpho-phenomenological approach as well as putting attention to the psychological impact on the observers.

See Project


This analysis of an ancient abbey allowed us to understand the basics of architectural drawings such as how to draw an axonometry, a plan and a cross-section. Newly introduced for me here was the famous concept of 'axonométrie plafonnante' by Auguste Choisy as a representational style.

See Project


The analytical work on one of le Corbusier's most impressive buildings was the first intensive analytical work I realized during my architecture studies. The focus was on learning the different types of representation and careful attention to detail. It was essential for the learning process to realize this analysis without the help of any digital tools.

See Project


This is the first project of my architecture studies, so the focus of this project is on learning the bases. The program required designing a refuge for an artist on a given site. The height of the ceiling, the orientation, the arrangement of the views and the general form of the project were designed to help the artist in the concentration process and allow for a certain calming atmosphere. A further focus was placed on the integration of the sloped site into the architectural project.

See Project


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